Ten Disruptive Features a Nursing App Should Have in 2023

7 min readDec 16, 2022


Nursing is an extremely important and challenging field. Nurses are on the front lines, caring for patients and helping them get back to health. It can be difficult to keep track of everything when you’re always on the go. That’s why nurses are increasingly using specialized medical apps to streamline their daily practice.

If you want to start a successful business in a competitive HealthTech industry, nursing app development is what you should consider. This post will give you an idea of what features to include in your nursing diagnosis app and how to find a reliable team to help you implement your project.

Ten features of the best app for nurses and nursing students

Each software development project is unique. Before starting implementation, we, at Erbis, conduct a detailed business analysis, research the market, study competitors, and create a comprehensive software development plan. We work closely with the client at the pre-development stage to ensure that our product vision meets the client’s expectations, budget, and deadlines. We also discuss different technologies and tools to find the most efficient yet price-friendly alternative.

At the end of project implementation, we deliver a tailor-made and brand-representing product. However, with 10+ years of experience in developing healthcare software, we have identified ten features that have become essentials in nursing apps.

Medication management

The best nursing app should provide nurses with handy medication management functionality.

This includes:

  • a searchable database of medications
  • medication dosage calculator
  • medication calendar
  • information about patient allergies
  • emergency contacts for each patient

Using these features, nurses will be able to ensure all patients take medications according to the treatment plan. They will also respond to emergencies and provide qualified assistance on time.

Medication management in a nursing app

Patient vitals tracking

The vitals tracking feature is a huge time-saver for nurses. It allows them to spend more time with patients instead of running back and forth between the ward and the nurses’ station.

You can implement the vitals tracking feature by collecting data from patients’ wearable devices and sensors. This data is then processed and analyzed by an AI-powered algorithm. If deviations from the norm are detected, the nurse receives a notification and takes steps to help the patient.

Your app must also be connected to the call button, so the patient can call for help at any time.

Appointment and shift scheduling

The nursing schedule app helps users to organize their appointments and shifts. It also includes a built-in calendar that makes it easy to book time for vacation, continuing education courses, and more. Plus, you can include the shift-swapping feature to let nurses trade shifts with their colleagues, so everyone can get the time off they need.

All in all, the manage schedule feature is essential in a nursing app as it allows medical personnel to control their workload whether they are at the hospital, at home, or out traveling. It helps nurses organize their appointments and find the right balance between work and life.

Scheduling feature in a nursing app

Lab results

Nurses need to stay up-to-date on the latest research and treatments, which is why lab results is an essential feature in your medical app.

To implement it, you should synchronize with the hospital’s lab results system. Thus, when the results of the tests are received, they automatically become available to the attending physician and the caring doctor assistant.

To make your app more advanced, you can synchronize with third-party laboratories and provide nurses with test results received out of the hospital. For that, you should implement a custom API to enable third parties to integrate with your system and share data through a secure protocol.

The nurse users would also appreciate the ability to export lab results into PDF format and print them out directly from the app. In addition, you could provide an opportunity to make notes about the received results in your nursing app.

Lab tests in an app

Doctor and specialist communication

Another feature to consider is whether or not your app will allow for communication between medical specialists. This is important because, as we all know, nurses are often the glue that holds the medical world together. So, they can use messaging to instantly inform doctors about a patient’s condition.

While there are many different ways to communicate, it is convenient having an app that gathers all members of a patient’s care team in one place.

So when you’re looking for an agency to develop a nursing app, be sure to discuss with them the feature on in-app chat and video calling.

Administrative tasks

Nurses not only take care of patients but also do a lot of administrative tasks. They fill out patient records, set up appointments, order supplies, and create nursing care plans. Doing all this on paper is tedious and time-consuming. However, the nursing app can streamline such operations by translating them into digital format.

Managing administrative tasks via an app is simpler, faster, and more efficient. By doing so, nurses gain more time for other activities and provide better patient care.

CEU and license renewal

Nurses should regularly renew their licenses and keep up with their CEU (continuing education unit). A nursing app can make the renewal process easier and more convenient. It can provide a personalized learning plan and a calendar that helps nurses keep track of all their deadlines and requirements. Additionally, it can connect with other nurses and let users receive support during their renewal process.

Continuing education for Nurses in an app

Nursing news and journals

Nurses need to be up-to-date on the latest research and developments in their field. And the best way to do that is to read nursing news and journals on a regular basis.

To implement this, you could use AI technology that would surf the Internet, filter information, and display valuable insights.

It is crucial that your application share information from trusted sources. So, consider giving priority to the websites of major nursing organizations like the American Nurses Association or the National League for Nursing.

Social networking for nurses

Another cool feature that you might want to consider is social networking for nurses. This can be a great way for nurses to connect, share information, and stay in touch.

There are a few different nursing apps that offer social networking functionality such as AllNurses, Mighty Nurse, EverydayNurses, NurseZone, and more. You’ll want to do some research to find out what your competitors are about. But, in general, your app should provide an opportunity to follow the members of the nursing community, create, like, share posts, and join interest groups.

Sharing real nursing stories at Nurse.com

Integration with other systems

The nursing app collects data from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), patient portals, wearables, laboratories, and more. In order for the application to work correctly and for nurses to access the up-to-date data, you need to develop a custom API (Application Programming Interface). The application will connect with third-party services and exchange information with them through the API.

You should discuss integration opportunities with your software development provider before the development starts. By defining the services you need to connect, you can create a more comprehensive app that brings real value to nurses and patients.

How to find a reliable team to implement your nursing app project

Nursing is a demanding and highly specialized field that requires great attention to detail. That’s why it’s so important to have a reliable team in place to help with implementing nursing software.

When looking for a technology partner, it’s important to consider the following:

Industry experience. Look for a company with a proven track record in developing medical projects. This will ensure a smooth development process and adherence to industry regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR.

Same work attitude. The team should be compatible with your company culture and values. You should be comfortable communicating with them and have a sense of mutual trust with them.

Relevant technological expertise. The team should be experts in cloud technologies, wearable apps, AI/ML tools, big data management, and more.

Finding a team that meets all of these criteria can be challenging, but it’s well worth the effort.

Erbis has been developing quality healthcare software for over 10 years. We’re dedicated to helping nurses and doctors provide the best possible care for their patients and streamline their day-to-day operations. If you want to create a successful nursing app, don’t hesitate to get in touch.




Written by Erbis

Erbis helps supply chain and legaltech businesses with expert software solutions that cut costs, drive profits, and improve operational efficiencies.

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